Oil Painting for the First Time...
Today, was another wonderful day. Ethan came for the day, and I do believe we both enjoyed it (my kids and Ethan sure did enjoy there play time). He is just so cute and full of life...oh to be so young. My hubby was home sick today he slepted most of the day and has been very quiet.What did I craft on today? WelI actually crocheted on my afghan, but until I am done I didn't want to post it again.
However, I did finish another 8 rows. I should be able to post it soon. I will have completed my first project this year. Yipee! So I thought I would show you my very first attempt at oil painting. It is kind of funny looking and not as good as some artist I know like Jodi or Cheryle. I will give you there links another time, as I do not know them off hand. One thing I learned was that I love painting in straight lines, which does not always make it look natural. I hope to do more oil painting and drawing again; between all of my other crafts. On this particular day my sister-in-law (Jodi) and my two sons were painting with me. It was a mighty hot day in the 30's and being as I had never painted before, I found it so relaxing and incredibely fun. I want to thank Jodi for taking the time to show me her talent and teach me something new. I love to draw, but never thought in this life time that I would enjoy painting. Although I always loved water painting with my kids...LOL! Well that is it from me for today...I hope you found sometime to relax and do something you love today. Till tomorrow...keep smiling.Quote:Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. - Albert Einstein.
Hey Tamie!
ReplyDeleteCome up this summer when we get into the new house (or maybe not?!) come anyways and we can paint again.
Love Ya