What a wonderful surprise tonight!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH ALLISON. I was reading my comments for my DT card this week and Allison from
To Many Projects, too Little Time gave me a Beautiful Blog Award!!! I am sooooo honored and excited. This is way to cool and it sure has made my day! Thanks Lori for the info too! Please stop bye and check out Allison blog she does amazing work and I have been having fun getting to know her!

I must say I love blogger land with all of you wonderful crafters out there. It is so much fun meeting you and seeing your talents.
The rules for this award are:
1. Thank the person who gave this award to you.
2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.
3. List three things which you love about yourself.
4. Post a picture you love.
5. Tag five people you wish to pass this award on to.
Three things I love about myself:1. Helping others.
2. Meet new people and friends
3. The fact that I love to crafty, it doesn't matter what kind of craft just that I too work with colors.
This picture is my amazing family that I love with my whole heart :)

These are Five People I would love to give this award too, they each have amazing blogs:
1. Sandra Farrell - Stamper' On the Shore
2. Julie Ranae - Julie's Open Window
3. Lacey Stephens - Hand Stamped by Lacey
4. Nuria - Scrap.cat
5. Paula - Scrap Addict's Attic
thanks again Allison for making me smile and brightening my day. Your talents are amazing just like you!